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7/7 service

AlexanDriver | Private chauffeur service in Marseille | Logo

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General Sales Conditions (G.S.C.)

Article 1. Subject matter - Scope of application The present General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply ipso jure to our commercial relations with our Customers. Any order placed by our Customers implies, as an essential and determining condition, the unreserved acceptance of the said conditions. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall prevail over all other terms and conditions of purchase, unless expressly waived by ALEXANDRIVER. No tolerance by ALEXANDRIVER, of any nature, size, duration or frequency whatsoever, shall create a right or constitute a waiver of the right to invoke any of these conditions at a later date.

Article 2. Contractual documents The documents constituting the contractual relationship are : Ø the quotation Ø the text of the contract itself / the order Ø the present General Terms and Conditions of Sale Ø by way of supplement, the Customer's documents insofar as they are not contrary to the particular conditions of the contract.

Each part takes precedence over the next in the order indicated in the contract, and in the absence of such indication, in the order indicated in article 2 above. In accordance with legal requirements, all documents are drafted in French.

Article 3. Content of the Service ALEXANDRIVER provides its customers with: a vehicle with driver according to the terms and conditions included in the Order Form, the fuel required for the trip, the transport of luggage and tolls, and insurance for the persons transported.

Article 4. Rates ALEXANDRIVER. provides its customers with the general rates for its services. These rates are increased by Value Added Tax (VAT) at the current rate applicable to the type of service.

Article 5. Payments To be validated, all orders must be accompanied by a minimum of 30% of the amount of the quote. The balance is payable to the driver at the end of the service, in cash or by credit card.

Article 6

In the event of cancellation for services in Sedans and Vans, ALEXANDRIVER reserves the right to charge the following minimum amounts: "100%": Less than 72 hours before the start of the service date.

In all cases, the customer's absence on the agreed date and time of the appointment will result in full collection of the order.

Article 7. Compliance with regulations and safety ALEXANDRIVER. employees are required to comply with the rules in force, particularly with regard to driving vehicles. No derogation from these rules is permitted.

Customers are also required to comply with the same rules, and any contrary attitude that could lead to damage to the vehicle will be charged to the customer.

Article 8. Force majeure ALEXANDRIVER may not be held liable for non-performance or any other breach of its contractual obligations, insofar as such failure is the result of a force majeure event. Any irresistible, unforeseeable and external event within the meaning of article 1148 of the French Civil Code is considered to be a force majeure. 

Article 9. Data processing and liberties Nominative information concerning the Customer is subject to data processing which has been declared to the C.N.I.L. This information is reserved for the exclusive use of ALEXANDRIVER. Customers have the right to access and modify their personal data (article 34 of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978). 

Article 10 Disputes Any dispute arising from the relationship between ALEXANDRIVER and the customer shall be referred to the Tribunal de Commerce d'Aix-en-Provence.


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